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The final visit with your Midwife

Saying goodbye at our last postpartum visit is always filled with laughs, squeals and plans to keep in touch! Our Mommas become part of our family. We spend time talking & getting to know each other. We’re always a phone or text away to answer questions or concerns. Helping them through the rough times of feeling sick and understanding their pain. We worry and check in when Mom isn’t feeling well. We enjoy watching our families grow and evolve as they learn about their ever changing bodies and babies. We get excited and nervous when we know they're near labor & birth. We check our phones constantly when they tell us they might be cramping. We’re focused and passionate about them having a beautiful birth and do everything in our power to help them through the process. We’re so excited to finally meet the baby and enjoy guessing the weight and seeing our parents light up when they look at their new baby. One part of the journey completed another just beginning. We go home relieved when all went well and talk about how amazing our mommas are. Still being available for those late night calls or texts when momma needs some extra encouragement or breastfeeding help. Lots of tips and tricks and knowing she can do it. The first visit we find a fresh new mom scared but determined. She’s in pain, she’s tired and she’s unsure about how she’s doing. We’re sure she’s doing great and offer love and support. We help her with positioning and latching her baby and like magic she feels better. We reassure her and all her concerns and let her know it’s ok. Each visit after that she’s stronger. Each conversation she’s more confident. Her body is healing and the baby is thriving. By 3 weeks she’s figured out what works and how to get by.

On her 6 week visit she’s a different person then the one we met 9 months ago. This baby was tiny and sleepy and now full of smiles. They both have a connection and know each other well. Momma knows when to feed, when to soothe, and has figured out her groove. Observing this beautiful growth makes us feel satisfied and fulfilled. Saying goodbye on that last visit is sad because we’ve bonded and we were lucky to be a part of this family’s story. It’s hard to say goodbye but it’s beautiful to know we get to do this over and over supporting one family at a time.

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